Accountability Starts with Results

Lorraine MooreFeet to the Fire, Operational Excellence

Accountability Starts with Results by Lorraine Moore

Accountability has three important components: results, consequences and sustainment.  Today, let’s focus on results.

People often walk around with a badge of honor that says, “I’m incredibly busy. I am SO busy!”  

How does this busyness show up in our work?

When we sit down with our employees and we ask, “What have you achieved this quarter or this year?” Do they reply, “I did (list) all of these things… I worked 60 hours a week… I was really busy”?

But what were their RESULTS? What were the outcomes of all that busyness?

In a culture of accountability we don’t measure busyness, we don’t measure activities, we measure results and the outcomes that are most important to the company results.

Don’t accept a litany of activities as a measure of success.  Drop your busyness badge.

Focus on results.

To learn more about the building blocks of accountability – results, consequences and sustainment – read my post, “Creating an Accountability Culture.”

Or for more videos to get you motivated and inspired to action, subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Every month, I feature an exceptional business, recognizing their efforts and strengths through my Feet to the Fire© Hall of Fame. Contact me to nominate an outstanding business that demonstrates accountability and business excellence.

Are you creating an accountability culture in your organization? For more on the building blocks of accountability pick up a copy of my book, Feet to the Fire: How to Exemplify and Create Accountability that Creates Great Companies available in both print and Kindle editions on Amazon.

My clients accelerate their results – increasing profitability, leadership performance, innovation, and accountability. I would love to discuss how I might help you build accountability within your organization. Contact me today.

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© 2019 Lorraine A. Moore. All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution