Return to Work, a Badge of Honour?

Lorraine MooreLeadership, Productivity

Return to Work, a Badge of Honour? - Lorraine Moore

According to polls, 44 percent of Americans working from home would like to continue that arrangement. In Canada, while two-thirds of those polled indicated they missed their work colleagues, roughly 80 percent said they would … Read More

A Tale of 2 Car Companies

Lorraine MooreOperational Excellence

A Tale of 2 Car Companies - Lorraine Moore

A good friend purchased a high-end Porsche SUV several months ago, around the same time I bought a Lexus. As former executives at Fortune 500 companies, we understand the importance of interactions between frontline staff and customers. The clients’ experience can…

Feet to the Fire© Starts with YOU

Lorraine MooreFeet to the Fire, Leadership, Personal Effectiveness

Feet to the Fire Starts With YOU - Lorraine Moore

In many of my client engagements, I assist organizations that wish to create a culture of accountability. While everyone quickly grasps what it means to hold someone’s feet to the fire (and how that contributes to a culture of accountability) they are sometimes surprised to learn that the finger they are pointing to others, is first and foremost, pointing back at them…

Create a Corporate Culture of Heroism

Lorraine MooreLeadership

Create a Corporate Culture of Heroism - Lorraine Moore

Sometimes, world events, large or small, take greater prominence over sharing business tips and techniques. Like many others, I am saddened by the fatalities and injuries suffered…