Decade in Review Part 2: Release Your Past

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness

Decade in Review Part 2 - Lorraine Moore

In March, I shared the first of a three-part exercise that focuses on reviewing the past decade. How did it go? Wow, fast forward to now and how the world has changed. Everyone has experienced upheaval. I wondered if it was appropriate to share this next step now and I decided it is. Those of us not working in essential services or on the front line are using some of this shifted reality to reflect on priorities and to reassess what we want to keep and what we want to discard in the months and years ahead. With that in mind, here is the next step.

At this time, it is important to look back as we move forward. How has our world, our experiences and our paradigms shifted over the last 6-8 weeks?  New year’s resolutions and goals may now seem largely irrelevant. Let’s cast our eyes back to our past as we plot a new and possibly re-imagined future.

Many thanks to Marie Forleo who created this three-part exercise that I am sharing with you.

Today we are shifting gears to releasing the past. Many of you may not take the time to complete these exercises, but those of you who do will be glad you did. I have split this into three separate emails, so it will be more manageable.

Don’t worry if you missed the exercise, you can re-read it here.

Look for part three in the coming weeks.

I would love to hear your feedback and any ah-ha moments.

Here you go with Exercise 2!


Decade In Review Part 2: Release Your Past 

Part 2 is all about letting go of things that drag you down so you can plan the next 10 years with a clear, purposeful mind. Trust me, you’ll feel so much lighter and freer when you’re done. Get out your journal and follow the prompts below.

Section 3: What You’re Willing to Let Go Of 

You’re going to create three separate lists under this section. This will take time, but it’s worth it.

Old Projects & Goals

  1. Are there any projects that you keep meaning to do, but haven’t made time for?
  2. Do you have any “I should do this” type goals that you keep putting off?
  3. Are there any expectations from family, loved ones, or even yourself that aren’t true to your heart?

Old goals and projects are kind of like leftovers in your fridge. Food that you meant to eat, but that’s no good anymore and just taking up valuable space. This list is an opportunity to clean out your mental fridge so you can rock the 2020s without those mouldy “shoulds” cluttering your heart and mind.

Resentments, Anger, and Upsets

  1. Are there any resentments or upsets that you’ve been hanging onto?
  2. Do you have old emotional baggage that you’re ready to release?
  3. Is there anybody you need to forgive — including yourself?

Be honest and write it down, even if you don’t know how to forgive or let go in this moment. As long as you’re willing, you’ll figure out a way. Naming and acknowledging is the first step toward healing.

Limiting Beliefs or Crappy Old Stories

  1. What limiting beliefs have you been carrying for the past ten years?
  2. What crappy old stories are you telling yourself that no longer serve you? 

For example, maybe you’ve been telling yourself that you’re too old or too young to follow your passion. Maybe you’re done believing the story that it’s all been said or done before. Maybe you’re ready to let go of excuses that are holding you back from your biggest dreams. Or maybe it’s time to put that old crappy story — that you’re not good enough or capable enough — to rest once and for all.

Remember, you are so much more powerful and capable than you give yourself credit for. 

This is your opportunity to let go of all the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that hold you back. Do this work now, so they don’t control your next 10 years.

What’s Most Important To Let Go Of and Why?

Once you’re done, go back over each subsection and answer these four questions:

  1. What are the most important things to let go of? Circle them now.
  2. Why is it vital you let these things go now?
  3. What have these goals, resentments, or limiting beliefs cost you over the last decade?
  4. Are there any experiences or achievements that you haven’t experienced as a result of holding onto these?

Write as much as you want. Remember, purpose fuels persistence.

If you are interested in watching the video that goes with this exercise, watch it here.