Embracing Joy and Gratitude

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness

In the weeks and months ahead I will be publishing a series of posts in response to the demand for objective financial information, education and coaching. I am very excited to have launched the Achieving Financial Freedom program as it enables people to take back their power around money and it is quite liberating.

However, before I launch into commentary on money, it feels appropriate to pause for a moment and reflect on gratitude and joy.

A few days ago, in a park on the edge of the downtown core, I joined many others for a lunch hour workout.  As I reached the top of my 5th set of stairs I came upon a family with 3 young children, the oldest of whom would have been 5 or so.  The kids were poised on the deck at the top of the hill, excitedly pointing out downtown towers, the distant mountain range and recognizable landmarks.

Contrast that with the Lululemon and Running Room clad, measuring heart rate, straining with exertion of taking stairs 2 at a time, no doubt frowning over those who were “slow” on the ascent as they passed by them in an effort to reach the top, only to turn around, run back to the bottom and do it all again.

Where was the joy? Where was the presence of mind – to luxuriate in the heat of the summer sun, to admire the sparkling light on the river, to observe the green grass on the riverbank and the craggy angles of the Rockies?  Blocked out by the determination to improve our time, exercise within our target zone and feel the burn.

And gratitude – there we are -surrounded by other healthy, able bodied, (likely largely) employed people on a continent in which we can take clean water, organic food, accessible health care, public transit and so many other gifts for granted.  There were no wheelchairs, canes or sight impaired people climbing those stairs this week.

It is summer in the northern hemisphere. The days stretch long. The sun is hot. The lakes and rivers are warm. Pause. Breathe deep. Smile. And give thanks.

What are you grateful for?

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