Facing Fear and Moving Through

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness

“You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” — Mary Manin Morrissey

In a recent post I stated, “…our lack of action – grounded in fear, lack of confidence or unwillingness to make sacrifices or change holds us back”.  This statement generated several emails from my readers.  Many of you asked for more insight and help in these areas

With the possible exception of love, there may be no other human emotion for which there are more quotes.

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”  – -Susan Jeffers

What dreams are you blocking? Returning to school to complete your MBA or other discipline? Identifying your interest in the top job in your organization? Launching a new business? Moving somewhere that you would “really like to live”?

What is the fear scripted in your head?

I might fail in that new job….bigger job…new company….new department….if our company makes that acquisition.

I am not sure I will make as much money.

I like the prestige, the golf membership, the parking, the perquisites…. you fill in the blank.

My family/friends/colleauges might think I am crazy.

I might alienate someone more senior in the organization and then I won’t get a promotion or I will become blacklisted.

I would “fire” that challenging customer but I am not sure we can recoup the lost revenue.

I would hold my kids accountable to my rules but I am afraid if I do they will think I am too strict and they will leave…. “hate” me… move out…rebel even more……

How do you identify when you fears are holding you back?

When you say, “I would…..but…..” “I should but….” “ I will do that when….”

Grab a clean sheet of paper or notebook.

Write. Don’t type. Studies have proven that retention and comprehension are much higher when writing long hand.

Step 1: Who believes in you? Spouse? Friend? Board member? Who is the person or persons who would cheer you on? Who knows you will be successful? Who can envision you taking action?  Write down their names.

Step 2: Write down the fear statements. What is holding you back.

Step 3: Create your catastrophe list. What is the potential pain that you are seeking to avoid?

Step 4: Create a list of strategies that you could use to address everyone of those negative outcomes.

Step 5: Now write down the “what could be” list. What are the possibilities? Consider not only what you pain you are avoiding but also what opportunities you would miss by not moving forward?

Step 6: Document two actions that you will take in the next 48 hours that will move you closer to that dream, that change, the goal.

Step 7: Engage 2 of your raving fans identified above.  Within 1 week, have a conversation with them and ask for their help.  Ask for their assistance in overcoming your fears and reservations. Once you expose your fears to the light of day, they will shrink like the monsters under the bed in the morning sunshine. 

 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” — Marianne Williamson

What is your destination?  Are you enjoying the journey? What fears have you overcome? How did you move forward?  What is your dream? What fears are holding you back?
Was this useful to you? If so, share – on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or email.

And now – check out my Personal Services at http://lorrainemoore.ca/consulting-advisory-services/ and Corporate Services at http://lorrainemoore.ca/corporate-services

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