Few Regrets

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness, Speaking Engagements

Few Regrets - Lorraine A Moore

As women, we accomplish things with others. This photo is from one of my favourite places, Burning Man. We’ve been to Burning Man four times.

I thrive on new experiences and fabulous interesting people. And those who live with few regrets are those who face their obstacles and their turning points and figure out, sometimes after they hunker down and deal with it, how to step up and thrive.

Those who live with few regrets are those who engage others to help them. They participate in communities of practice, which is what I think of this photo from Burning Man.

They also participate in the virtuous cycle of reinvestment; they invest in themselves.

When I first went out on my own, I thought, “Maybe I should wait until I’ve established my business for a year before I go and invest any money on further development and coaching myself.” Then somebody very wisely said to me, “Lorraine, no, you don’t get successful without first investing money in your own professional development.” So I made an investment in myself and I’ve continued to do that every year.

Invest in yourselves, participate in mastermind groups or in online communities, anything to alleviate the isolation but also to validate that you’re not alone. Because you’re not.

One of the very successful things that people can do is to be vulnerable with those others that are helping you pull things forward.

I don’t know about the rest of you but I find it incredibly hard to be vulnerable in spite Brené Brown’s wisdom. I think I’m happy to let other people be vulnerable but I find it really difficult to be vulnerable. But when you have supportive, caring people around you, you can be vulnerable and that will really help you with your business and your life.

Step up, join others, and thrive with few regrets.

My clients accelerate their results – increasing profitability, leadership performance, innovation, and accountability. I would love to discuss how I might help you thrive and contribute to your overall success. Contact me today.

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© 2018 Lorraine A. Moore. All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution.