Integrity in Every Aspect of Life

Lorraine Moore360 Degree CEO

Integrity in Every Aspect of Life - Lorraine Moore

For the 360 degree executive, integrity extends beyond the workplace. It is reflected in who we are and the choices we make each and every day. Every executive I interviewed for my book, The 360 Degree CEO, acknowledged the irrefutable requirement to consistently act in alignment with their personal values and beliefs and their stated priorities and commitments. This applies not only to their work but home life as well.

Many years ago, I attended a retirement party for Frank Pratt. He was a brilliantly creative marketing genius and taskmaster with a keen attention to detail. He had a successful career and was highly regarded.

Frank’s legacy at retirement was a message to all of us still working—do not neglect your family. Your work is exhilarating and interesting, rewarding and prestigious, but as exciting as it is and as long a road as it seems, the journey will fairly rapidly come to an end, and if you have not invested in your relationships with family and friends, you may have little waiting for you at the end of that road.

We all know but sometimes forget that being in physical proximity is not synonymous with being emotionally present. Most of us have done this—spent the weekend with the family at the cottage or attended the soccer tournament, patting ourselves on the back for being there but spending time with our heads bent over our smartphones responding to perceived urgent e-mails or lost in thought and not active in conversations.

When we truly have integrity, it is reflected not just in our decisions at work but also in our interactions with friends and family. How are you showing up for others?

My clients accelerate their results – increasing profitability, leadership performance, innovation, and accountability. I would love to discuss how I might contribute to your success. Contact me today.

Elevate your leadership performance by learning from some of the best. Pick up a copy of my book, The 360 Degree CEO: Generating Profits While Leading and Living with Passion and Principles available on Amazon.

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© 2019 Lorraine A. Moore. All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution.