Is This Our Intended Destination?

Lorraine Moore360 Degree CEO

Is This Our Intended Destination? - Lorraine A Moore

Much will be written about the year 2020. Black Lives Matter. Statues overturned. Calls to defund police forces. A pandemic’s wildfire effect through long-term care homes and metropolitan cities. Children removed from schools. Masked faces on the street. Eroding civil liberties. It will be some time before we can comprehend and understand the fallout and impacts – positive and negative.

What is becoming an increasing concern to me is where our increased moral striving will lead us. I am vocally supportive of Black Lives Matter and addressing systemic racism in our homes, businesses and all levels of government. I am optimistic that we can create improvements in law enforcement, and better support those suffering the curse of mental illness and/or addiction. I know there is a path forward that offers greater care of our planet and encompasses a thoughtful transition from fossil fuels, rather than a knee-jerk rejection of Canada’s resources.

In a recent National Post article, Jordan Peterson highlighted tragic examples of highly renowned researchers and scientists being denigrated and cast out in response to the hue and cry of activists. When did the voices of much less knowledgeable but highly vocal citizens start to secure greater gravitas than the thoroughly researched and peer-reviewed conclusions of our esteemed scholars? What does this say to our children? Will young people surmise that further education is unwarranted and unnecessary?

Earlier this year, Elizabeth May claimed, “(Canadian) oil is dead.” She said this in spite of considerable data demonstrating a long-lasting global dependence on oil, not to support our continued driving and flying habits, but rather for fertilizer, medical equipment, digital devices, packaging and clothing. So, with the death of Canadian oil, as part of our moral high ground, we will import oil and make purchases of products comprised of oil from countries with much lower standards of worker safety? That will not help me sleep better at night.

As we stand at the summits of our moral positions, flags thrust firmly into the ground at our feet, our chests lifted high with the certainty of our convictions, I hope for common sense, a degree of critical questioning, and a request for more evidence and data before we vote, fund and march. Our future as a civilization depends on it.

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© 2020 Lorraine A. Moore. All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution.