Reflect, Then Move Forward

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness

We are often our own best gurus. We all carry insights into what is working well in our lives and where we are dissatisfied, harbouring seeds of desire for what we hope is possible.  As an advisor to senior leaders, I often help people uncover the nuggets of wisdom that reside within.

As the year winds to a close and you ponder the road ahead, I offer the following exercise:

  1. Identify your proudest professional accomplishment in 2014.
  2. Identify your most significant personal achievement in 2014.
  3. What was left undone? I expect it still tugs at you a little. How will you address this?
  4. Rate your wellness on a scale of 1-10. If 7 or below, what is one new practice you will incorporate? If 8 or above, what are the two practices you will maintain? Who can you enlist to hold you accountable?
  5. Make your health appointments for next year – dentist, doctor, massage, acupuncture, therapist, etc.
  6. Schedule your holidays in your calendar – now.
  7. What professional development will you undertake in the next 12 months? Schedule them, register, or apply – now.
  8. Be honest and courageous. Identify the people in your life who do not serve you, bring you down, or leave you feeling “less”. To the greatest degree possible, stop interacting with them…without guilt.
  9. Commit to success, not perfection, for the coming year.

Many of my clients call me their Leadership Sherpa because I help them reach new summits. How can I help you or others in 2015? 

I hope you have a fabulous holiday season with friends and family, embracing all the material blessings and goodness in your life. I wish you a healthy 2015 filled with joy, laughter, and opportunity. 

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