The Power of Setting Your Intention

Lorraine MoorePersonal Effectiveness

At a recent dinner party, over wine and dessert, the talk turned to New Year’s resolutions. As a recovered resolution-addict (by age 12 I typically drafted up to 15 resolutions every December and presented them to my parents) I encourage my clients to set an intention for the year.

This is my 3rd year of intention setting. I have received resoundingly positive feedback from clients and friends who have adopted this practice. This past year, following a slate of common viruses and some slow but noticeable weight gain, I set the intention of “healthy and strong”. I enlisted a personal trainer for the first time, eliminated some foods following a consultation with a naturopath and revamped my workout routine. I feel as healthy and strong as I ever have.

Another year my intention was “creating space.” I resigned from corporate executive roles to fully expand my already flourishing consulting practice. My aim was to resist the urge to fill newly available time with “activity,” a common trap of Type A over-achievers. For most of the subsequent 20 months, the unexpected and positive outcome has been that intentions of prior years have carried forward. The mindfulness through intention setting has contributed to a change at my core. I feel as healthy and fit as I have in my adult life. Creating space has resulted in a greater calm, heightened judgement and problem solving, and greater joy from my relationships. I am more present.

Following the dinner party discussion, I woke in the middle of the night with insight. My intention for the upcoming year will be Laughter. It feels right. I will continue my active consulting practice, travel, adventures, philanthropy, etcetera and am confident I will enjoy success. Enjoy being the operative word, as I hope to share laughter with others along the way. Norman Cousins discovered years ago that laughter has many health benefits. Healthy, strong, and laughing.

Toss the resolutions in the recycling. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Or go to sleep with an intention in mind.

What is your intention for the months ahead?

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