Looking for a Promotion?

Lorraine MooreLeadership

You have accomplished what you committed to and hoped for in your current role. You are experiencing twinges of restlessness and are ready to launch into a new and challenging opportunity. Before you commence conversations with your boss, mentor or others about the next opportunity, evaluate yourself against the following criteria:

Results – met or exceeded expectations against your most important goals and responsibilities

Sustained performance – you have delivered superior results over 2-3 years

Relationship management – as a collaborator you contribute to the success of others: other leaders, your employees, other divisions in the organization

Judgment – your decisions and actions reflect a commitment to what is best for the organization, its customers and shareholders even when that may not be ideal for your department

Integrity – you meet commitments; you act in alignment with the company’s values; people know you are ethical

Pursuit of excellence – you strive for personal and team performance

Innovation – you challenge and improve upon the status quo

Commitment to growth and development – you demonstrate openness to feedback and pursuit of development, e.g. seeking feedback from others and acting upon what you heard, completing a MBA or other education

Visibility – others in the organization, beyond your leader, know of you, your team and what you have accomplished

Potential – your boss or mentor have provided feedback indicating that others see your potential to take on broader responsibility.

Where are you most successful? What are one or two areas that you can improve upon?

If this was useful, share it with others. This list may provide you a starting point for a conversation with one of your staff or a mentee who is interested in achieving more.

I work with senior leaders to sustain high levels of performance and achieve breakthrough results to tough business challenges. Interested in exploring the benefits of engaging me for you and your team? Contact me today.

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