Wishing You Peace

Lorraine MooreUncategorized

Wishing You Peace - Lorraine Moore

Christmas Day 1914, German, British and French soldiers climbed out of the trenches along the western front. On that day, in the midst of World War I, they laid down their arms in to observe peace on the Christian holiday.

For the balance of 2015, whether we recognize Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid Al-Fitr or other, while Trump calls for a ban on Muslim immigrants and North American communities alternately embrace or scorn refugees, let’s set aside our differences. Embrace our commonalities – love for our friends and family, a desire for peace, good health and prosperity.

May your holiday season be filled with music, laughter, friends, family and the opportunity to pause and reflect on your good fortune in 2015. All the best for a healthy and prosperous 2016 and in the words of Gandi, “be the change you want to see in the world.”

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